Building Healthy Places Toolkit: Recommendations and Leading Projects
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Clare Debriere   [ view bio ]
Joanna Frank   [ view bio ]
Rachel MacCleery   [ view bio ]
Susan Powers   [ view bio ]
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 The Urban Land Institute has produced a new publication, Building Healthy Places Toolkit: Strategies for Enhancing Health in the Built Environment, which outlines development strategies that can improve health outcomes. The recommendations in the Toolkit were formulated to help developers, owners, property managers, designers, and investors understand opportunities to integrate health promoting practices into real estate development. 

During this webinar, be among the first to learn about the Toolkit’s key recommendations, and hear from leading developers who are implementing these ideas in real time. 

Research shows that the built environment (including buildings, streets, and neighborhoods) can have a profound impact on health outcomes. Professionals who influence the built environment play a role in creating healthier communities. The Building Healthy Places Toolkit outlines 21 practical, evidence-based recommendations that the development community can use to promote health at the building or project scale. 

The value of creating healthier communities is being recognized in the marketplace. Hear about how recent real estate projects in Los Angeles and Denver are applying healthy approaches, the non-traditional partnerships that these innovations have made possible, and what the market response has been.
Seminar Information
Seminar Date:
March 02, 2015